We all need help sometimes and it can be hard to ask. But please reach out. The Fleet Fund is here to help Wellfleet residents in need.
The Fleet Fund provides assistance through our network of partner organizations. If you are in need of assistance, please contact any of the following:
Outer Cape Health Services Navigator
Housing Assistance Corporation
508-349-3101 ext. 14
Wellfleet Adult Community Center (Council on Aging)
508-349-2800 / 508-349-0313
You may also reach us by contacting your school, place of worship, or other helping organization.
Any Wellfleet resident in need can potentially qualify for help.
To access the fund, contact one of the local agencies that provide assistance on the Outer Cape. Click here for How To Get Help
The Fleet Fund provides short-term, emergency financial assistance. All requests for assistance will be considered. Some examples of funded needs include an unexpected car repair, assistance with a rent payment, a prescription at the pharmacy or a medical bill.
The Fleet Fund is committed to the dignity and privacy of the individual. All assistance provided by The Fleet Fund is kept strictly confidential.
The Fleet fund is modeled after the 20 year success of Truro’s Dexter Keezer Community Fund that helps Truro residents in need by partnering with local social service agencies to fill gaps and meet financial emergencies for Truro residents. The same needs and gaps in assistance exist for Wellfleet residents, and The Fleet Fund is here to meet this need. Get Help
The Fleet Fund responds to requests from local organizations that provide services to our community. The Fleet Fund helps local organizations meet gaps in the funding they can provide. (Click here to see a list of partner organizations.)
There are two ways to donate: by PayPal on the website, or by check. Donations by check should be made out to “The Fleet Fund”. Please download the form and mail with your check to : The Fleet Fund, P.O. Box 995, Wellfleet MA 02667. The Fleet Fund gratefully accepts all donations, no matter the size. It takes a village, the whole village—and every contribution is valuable!
The Fleet Fund, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. All contributions are tax-deductible as allowed by law. EIN # 85-1262649
Your gift will help your Wellfleet neighbors. We are living in a uniquely challenging moment where the vulnerabilities created by economic and racial inequities in our society are especially visible and particularly devastating. Giving to The Fleet Fund is one way to help Wellfleet residents who are struggling. Sometimes just a few hundred dollars makes the difference that allows someone to navigate a bump in the road, to carry on feeling supported, and to thrive.
Email the Fleet Fund at info@thefleetfund.org
The Fleet Fund, Inc.
P.O. Box 995
Wellfleet, MA 02667
The Fleet Fund, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit